Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why Hypomnema?

Well, I've decided to finally join the blog bandwagon. And while I've not really been staying up nights wondering what I'll blog about, the Rooster in me (yup, I'm a great believer in Chinese Astrology...;)) figured that it was important to come up with a name that would offset any lack of intellectuality in my posts. And so, I hit upon "Hypomnema".

So, what the heck's a hypomnema? According to Wikipedia, that unquestionable web resource (and no, I'm not a wiki-slayer), "The hypomnemata constituted a material memory of things read, heard, or thought, thus offering these as an accumulated treasure for rereading and later meditation." What fun, I thought, when I discovered the word- a pretty intellectual sounding way of saying...BLOG :)